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ENGLISH is in the Germanic branch of languages of the Indo-European family. This branch began as a common language in the Elbe river region about 3,000 years ago. Around the 2nd century B.C., this common Germanic language split into three distinct sub-groups:

(a) East Germanic, which was spoken by peoples who migrated to south-eastern Europe. No such language is spoken today, and the only written text of the language that survives is Gothic;

(b) North Germanic, which evolved into of Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic (now called the Scandinavian languages); and

(c) West Germanic, which is the ancestor of modern German, Dutch, Flemish, Frisian and English.

Old English (500-1100)

The original inhabitants of Britain were the Angles (the name Ængles is the source of the words England and English), Saxons and Jutes.

After the influx of West Germanic peoples from Jutland and southern Denmark in the 5th and 6th centuries A.D., the Angles and Saxons began populating Britain, pushing the original, Celtic-speaking inhabitants out of present England into Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Ireland where the original Celtic languages survive today in the local Gaelic languages.

A further influence of English at the time were the Vikings. Beginning around the year 850, the Norse invasions brought several hundred North Germanic words into the developing language, particularly in the east of England. Meanwhile, the far north of England remained free of Viking domination, which is why the Northumbrian dialect differs so much from that of the former Danelaw.

The Norman Conquest and Middle English (1100-1500)

After William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the Anglo-Saxons in 1066, the new overlords spoke a dialect of Old French known as Anglo-Norman. The Normans were also of Germanic stock (Norman actually means Norseman) and Anglo-Norman was a French dialect that had considerable Germanic influences in addition to the basic Latin roots.

The influence of the Normans can be illustrated mainly because the Normans ran the courts. A split consequently developed, where words commonly used by the aristocracy had Romantic roots and words frequently used by the Anglo-Saxon commoners had Germanic roots.

In 1204 AD, King John lost the province of Normandy to the King of France and soon after that the nobility, which was now cut off from France, adopted a modified English as their native tongue. About 150 years later, the Black Death (1349-50) killed about one third of the English population. As the laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance, English along with them increased in importance compared to Anglo-Norman.

This mixture of the two languages came to be known as Middle English, the most famous example of which is Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Unlike Anglo-Saxon and Old English, Middle English can be read, albeit with difficulty, by modern English-speaking people.

By 1362, when the Statute of Pleading was adopted, the linguistic division between the nobility and the commoners was largely over. The Statute made English the language of the courts and it began to be used in Parliament.

It was some time later, around 1500, that the Middle English period came to a close with the rise of Modern English.

The Old English Alphabet

The vowels in the Anglo-Saxon alphabet have the following sounds:

a – like a in far or ask.

ā – similar but longer.

æ – like a in glad or man.

e – like e in met.

ē – like e in there or ai in hair.

i – like i in sin, or rather like French i short.

ī – like ee in seem or i in machine.

o – like o in on or not.

ō – like o in sore or oa in moan.

u – like u in full.

ū – like oo in fool or ou in route.

y – like French u, German ü.

A few consonants also have different sounds:

c – always sounded as k and also heard in the beginning, like in cnif, knife.

cw - like qu in queen.

g – always sounded like g in go and also sounded in the beginning before n, like gnaw.

h – always heard; when medial and final it was strongly guttural like Scotch or German ch.

hw – was previously written where we now write wh, e.g. hwīt, now white.

th – expressed by þ, as in fiÞele, fiddle and ð as in eorðe, earth.

w – in wl, wr initial, w was pronounced.

Abbreviations used in the Glossary

A.N. Anglo-Norman.

Dan. Danish.

Du. Dutch.

Ety.dub Etymology doubtful.

Icel. Icelandic.

M.E. Middde English.

M.H.G. Middle High German.

O.E. Old English.

O.F. Old French.

O.H.G. Old High German.

O.N. Old Norse.

O.W. Old Welch.

The Glossary


a-begged: n., a-begging [O.E. on-beggaþ].

above: adv., above, in addition [O.E. abufen].

above: prep., above [O.E. abufen].

abraye: v., come to, wake, shake oneself [O.E. abregdan].

abyde: v., remain, wait, withdraw [O.E. abīdan].

adoun: adv., down [O.E., of + dūne].

after: conj., according, as; prep., in accordance with, according to [O.E. æfter].

agan: v., depart, go, end [O.E. agān].

agast: adj., frightened terrified [O.E. agæstan].

agayn, ageyn: adv., again, once more, any more [O.E. ongēan].

agayn, ageyn: prep., against [O.E. ongean].

agayns: prep., towards, against [O.E. ongēanes].

ago, agon: p.p., gone, dead [O.E. agān].

al: adj., all, the whole, everything [O.E. eall].

al: adv., entirely, just, altogether, quite [O.E. eall].

al: conj., although [O.E. eall].

al: pron., everything [O.E. eall]

al be that: conj., although [O.E. eall + be + þæt].

ale: n., ale [O.E. ealu].

algate: adv., everywhere, in every way [O.E. eall + O.N. gata].

alighte: v., stoop, abase oneself [O.E. alihtan].

alle: adj. all [O.E. ealle].

allone: adj., atone, only [O.E. eall + anā].

almost: adv., nearly [O.E. eal + mæst].

als(o): adv., also [O.E. eall + swā].

al so: adv., just as [O.E. eal + swā].

alwey: adv., always, for ever, continually, all the while [O.E. eal + weg].

alyve: adv., alive in life [O.E. on + life].

amidde: prep., amidst, in the middle of [O.E. a + mid].

amis: adv., mistakendy, wrongly, amiss [O.E. a + mis].

among: prep., in the midst of, during [O.E. onmang].

amonges: prep., amongst, [O.E. onmanges].

amorwe: adv., in the morning [O.E. on + morgen].

an: prep., on [O.E. ān].

and: conj., if, even if, and [O.E. and].

angre: n., anger, wroth, distress, strife, misunderstanding [O. Icel. angr].

anlaas anlass: n., anlace, two-edged knife, dagger, worn at the girdle [O.W. anglas].

anon, anoon: adv., at once, immediately [O.E. on + āne].

anon-right: adv., immediately [O.E. onan-riht].

answer: v., answer, reply [O.E. andswerian]. any: adj., any [O.E. ænig].

aright: adv., aright, properly [O.E. on + riht].

artow: art thou [O.E. eart + þu].

arwe: n., arrow [O.E. arwe, earh].

arysing: n., time of rising of a planet [O.E. ārisinge].

as: adv. conj., as if [O.E. als, ealswā].

as: interj., pray [O.E. ealswā].

as in: prep., as the result of [O.E. ealswā + in].

as wis: interj., certainly, indeed [O.E. ealswā + wiss].

ask: v., plead for [O.E. ascian].

asterte: v., get away from, avoid [O.E. æt + O.N. sterta].

aswowne: adj., in a swoon, fainting [O.E. aswōgen].

at-after: prep., after, [O.E. æt + after].

at al: adv., entirely [O.E. æt + eadl].

at-on: adv., at one, together [O.E. æt + an].

atte: prep., at the [O.E. æt + þe].

awey(e): adv., out of the way, gone. [O.E. a + wei].

axe: v., ask, demand [O.E. acsian].

ay: adv., always [O.N. ei].

ayeyne: prep., in opposition to, against [O.E. ongēan].



bak: n., back [O.E. bæc].

bakemete: n., pies, pastry [O.E. bacen-mete].

bank: n., coast, cliff [O.N. bakki].

bar: v., p.t. of beran, bere [O.E. bær].

bare: adj., bare, naked, uncovered, unadorned [O.E. bær].

barefoot: adj., barefoot [O.E. bęrfōt].

bed, bedde: n., bed [O.E. bedd].

begger: n., beggar [O.E. beggere].

barm: n., bosom [O.E. bearm].

beede: v., offer [O.E. bēodan].

been: v., are; pres. pl. etc., of be [O.E. bēon].

ben: v., did [O.E. bēon].

ben: v., are [O.E. bēn].

beran: v., give birth to, carry, endure [O.E. beran].

berd: n., beard [O.E. berd, beard].

bere: v., carry, bear, give birth to [O.E. beran].

best: adv., best [O.E. betst].

beste: adj., best [O.E. betst].

beste: n., best, highest good [O.E. beste, betst].

bet: adj., better [O.E. bet].

bete: v., beat, chastise, flap [O.E. bēatan].

bettre: adv., better [O.E. betera].

be-war: v., beware [O.E. be-wær].

bidaff: v., make fools of, cheat [O.E. bidaffan].

biddan: v., order, request [O.E. biddan].

bifallen: v., happen, occur [O.E. befeallan].

biforen: adv., before [O.E. beforan].

biforen: prep., before, in the sight of [O.E. beforan].

bigan: v., p.t. biginne.

biginne: v., begin [O.E. biginnan].

biginning: n. beginning [O.E. beginnunge].

bigon: v., p.p. surround [O.E. began].

bigonne: v., p.t. biginne.

bihaten: v., promise [O.E. be-hatan].

biheste: n., promise [O.E. behæst, behæst].

bihight: v., p.t. bihaten.

biholde: v., look, stare [O.E. behealdan]. bihoveth: v., it is necessary [O.E. behofian]. bileve: n., belief [O.E. belēafe].

biloved: adj., beloved [O.E. beleafod]. birafte: v., p.t. bireve.

bireve: v., deprive, take away [O.E. berēafian].

biseche: v., beg [O.E. bisecan].

bisete: v., beseech, beg, pray [O.E. bisecan, besēcan].

biseye: v., p.p., seen [O.E. bi + seon].

biside: adv:, round about, in the neighbourhood [O.E. besīdan].

bisily: adv., eagerly, diligently [O.E. bisilīche].

bisinesse: n., diligence, anxiely, care [O.E. bisignes].

bisy: adj., active, incessant [O.E. bysig].

bisyde: adv., close at hand [O.E. bisīden].

bisynesse: n., occupation, duties, activities [O.E. bysig + nesse].

bitake: v., commit to, entrust to [O.E. bitæcan].

bittre: adj., bitter, cruel [O.E. biter].

bitwene: prep., between [O.E. bitwēonan]. bitwixe: prep., between [O.E. bitweox].

bityde: v., happen, occur [O.E. bitidan, betīdan].

biwreye: v., reveal, disclose [O.Fris. biwrogia].

blake: adj., black [O.E. blæc].

blede: v., bleed [O.E. blēdan].

blesse: v., mark with the sign of the Cross [O.E. blēdsian].

blisse: v: see blesse.

blisse: n., happiness [O.E. bliss].

blisful: adj. happy, blessed, merry, joyful [O.E. blisful, bliss + ful].

blowe: v., blow [O.E. blāwan].

body: n., body [O.E. bodig].

boghte: v., p.t. of beye, redeemed [O.E. bohte [from byegan]].

bond: n., covenant, obligation [O.E. bonda].

book: n., book [O.E. bōc].

boot: n., boat [O.E. bāt].

bord: n., table [O.E. bord].

born: v., p.p. bere.

borwe: n., pledge, surety [O.E. borg].

boun: adj., prepared, ready, on her way [O.N. buinn].

brast: v., burst, p.t. breste.

breed: n., bread [O.E. brēad].

breeth: n., breath [O.E. bræð].

breke: v., break [O.E. brecan].

breken: v., break [O.E. brecan].

brest: n., breast [O.E. brēost].

breste: v., burst, break [O.E. brestan, berstan].

bresting: n. breaking [O.E. brestung].

brid: n., bird [O.E. bridd].

bringen, bryngen: v., bring, deliver, carry [O.E. bringen, bringan].

brinke: n., cliff edge, shore [Swed. brink]. broght: v., p.p. bringen.

brother: n., brother [O.E. brōžor].

burned: adj., burnished [O.E. burnir].

but: adv., almost; conj., unless, except as; prep., except [O.E būtan].

but-if: conj., if not, unless, except for [O.E. būtan + gif].

buxomly: adv., obediently, submissively [O.E. buhsum + lice].

by-cause: conj., because [O.E. bi + O.F. cause].



cam: v., p.t. come.

can: v., am able, is able to, can, know [O.E. cann].

can: v. pres., to know [how to do], to be able [O.E. cunnan].

can: n. metal vessel [O.E. canne]

can on: v., undersdand [O.E. cann].

care: n., anxiety distress [O.E. caru].

caste: v., cast, cast down, let fall, throw [Icel. O.N. kasta].

cheke: n., cheek [O.E. cēace].

cherlish: adj., mean, surly, base, [O.E. ceorlisc].

chese: v., choose [O.E: cēosan].

chirche: n., church [O.E. cirice].

chyde: v., scold [O.E. cīdan].

clad: adj., clothed, clad, dressed [O.E. clāŽian].

clappe: v., chatter, talk incessantly [O.E. clæppan].

clappynge: chattering tittie-tattle [O.E. clæppung].

clene: adj. pure, free [O.E. clæne].

clepe: v., name, call [O.E. clipian, cleopian].

cofre: n., box [O.E. cofre].

colde: adj., baneful, cold, sorrowfui [O.E. cald].

colde: v. grow cold [O.E. cealdian].

connen: v., know [O.E. cunnan].

conningly: adv., expertly [O.E. cunning + lice].

coppe: n., cup [O.E. cuppa].

cote: n., cottage [M.E. cote].

coude: v., p.t. can.

couthe, coude: v. past, knew [how to do], was able [O.E. cúthe, coude].

crabbed: adj., biting, bitter, shrewish [A.N. crabbe].

craft: n., skill, subject, art [O.E. cræft].

crepe: v., creep, steal [O.E. crēopan].

cropen: v., p.p. crepe.

come: v., come, appear, descend [O.E. cuman].

curse: v., curse [O.E. cursian, curs].

cursednesse: n., shrewishness, bitterness, wickedness [O.E. cursednesse].



dar: v., dare [O.E. dear].

dawes: n., days [O.E. dawes].

day, daye: n., day, day of respite, time, life [O.E. dæg].

dayesye: n. daisy [O.E. dęges + ēage].

dede: n., deed, act [O.E. dæd].

deed: adj., dead [O.E. dēad].

dede: adj., dead [O.E. dēad].

dedly: adj., mortal, stricken [O.E. deadlīc].

deeme: v., think, imagine [O.E. deman].

deer: n., deer [O.E. dēor].

deeth: n., death [O.E. dēaš].

deme: v., judge think suppose [O.E. dēman].

demen: v., impute, judge, give opinion [O.E. dēman].

dere: adj., dear [O.E. dēore].

derke: adj., gloomy [O.E. deore].

desk: n., table [O.E. disc].

deth: n., death [O.E. dēaš].

deye: v., die [O.N. deyja].

dide v., see doon [O.E. dōn].

dighte: v., to put into order [O.E. dihtan].

do: v., make, cause to be done, manage [O.E. dōn].

doghter: n. daughter [O.E. dohtor].

doom: n., judgment, opinion [O.E. dōm].

doon: v., do, carry out, provide for, commit, cause, have done [O E. dōn].

doun: adv., down [O.E. dūne].

dounward: adv., downward [O.E. dūneweard].

dooth: v., doets, [O.E. dēž].

dore: n., door doorway [O.E. dor].

dorste: v., durst, dared [O.E. dorste].

drawe: v., approach, draw near [O.E. dragan].

drede: n., doubt, fear [O.E. dręd, drēde].

drede: v., dread, fear greatly [O.E. drędan, drēden].

drede: n. doubt, fear [O.E. drede].

drede: v., fear [O.E drēden].

dredful: adj., timorous, full of fear [O.E. drēdful].

drenchen: v., drown [O.E. drencan].

drery: adj., sombre, downcast [O.E. drēorig].

dreye: adj., dry [O.E. dryge].

dreynte: v. p.t. drenchen.

drinke: n., drink [O.E. drinc].

drive: v., drive, complete [O.E. drīfan].

drope: n., drop [O.E. dropa].

drough: v. p.t. drawe [O.E. drōh].

dryve: v., drive away [O.E. drīfan].

dwelle: v., dwell, stay [O.E. dwellan].

dwellen: v., dwell, live, remain [O.E. dwellan].

dye: v., dye [O.E. deagan].

dyen: v., die [O.N. deyja].



earthe: n., earth ground [O.E. eorðe].

ech: pron., each [O.E. ælc].

eche: pron., each [O.E. ælc].

echoon: pron., each one, every one [O.E. ęlc + ān].

eek: adv., also, besides [O.E. ēac].

eest: adv., east [O.E. ēast].

eft: adv., again, any more [O.E. eft].

eighte: adj., eighth [O.E. eahta].

eke: adv., also [O.E. ēac].

eldre: n., ancestor [O.E. eldre].

elles: adv., else, otherwise [O.E. elles].

ende: n., end [O.E. ende].

endelong: prep., throughout [O.E. and + lang].

er: conj., before, g [O.E. ær].

ere: n ear, [O.E. ēar].

ernestful: adj., serious, earnest [O.E. earnest + ful].

erst: adv., before [O.E. ærest].

ete: v., eat, devour [O.E. etan].

evene: adj., content composed satisfied [O.E. efene].

everich: pron.. [O.E. ægheik].

everichoon: pron., everyone [O.E. æfre + ylc + an].

every: adj., each, every [O.E. ęver + ęlc]. every-deel: n., every detail [O.E. ęfre + dęl]. eyen: n., eyes [O.E. ēagan].



fader: n., father, ancestor [O.E. fæder].

fadme: n. fathom [O.E faðme].

fair: adj., fair, handsome, goodly, lovely [O.E. fæger].

faireste: adj. most beautifut [O.E. fægreste].

fairnesse: n. beauty [O.E. fæger + nesse].

falle: v., belong, appertain [O.E. feallan].

fallen: v., fall, come by chance, happen [O.E. feallan].

fals: adj., traitorous, untrue [O.F. fals].

faran: v., p.t.of ferde, to fare, go, prosper, act, behave [O.E. faran].

fare: v. go, gone [O.E. faran].

farewel: interj. farewell [O.E. far + well].

faringe: adj., looking, in appearance [O.E. far + ing].

faste: adv. very close [O.E. faste].

faste: v., abstain from food [O.E. fæstan].

fayn: adj., gladly, readily [O.E. fægen].

fecche: v., to fetch [O.E. feccan].

fed: p.p., brought nurtured [O.E. fēdan].

feelingly: adv., tenderly, full of kindly feeling [O.E. fēling + līc].

feendly: adj., hostile, devilish [O.E. feond + līce].

felawe: n., fellow, fellow student, comrade, friend [O.N. felawi, felagi].

fele: adj., many [O.E. fela].

felen: v. feel, be moved by [O.E. fēlan].

fer: adv., far [O.E. feorr].

ferde: p.t., faran, to fare, act, behave [O.E. ferde].

fere: n., fear, dread [O.E. fær].

ferther: adv., farther [O.E. ferrer].

fette: v., p.t. of fecchen, fetched, brought [O.E. feccan].

fewe: adj., few [O.E. fēawe].

fil: p.t of falle, fallen, happened, occurred [O.E. feallan].

first: adj., earliest [O.E. fyrest].

firste: adv., first of all [O.E. fyresta].

fissh: n., fish [O.E. fisc].

fithele: n., fiddle [O.E. fiÞele].

flessh: n., flesh meat [O.E. flæsc].

flokmele: adv., in crowds, in flocks, in numbers [O.E. floc + mælum].

flood: n., flood-tide [O E. flod].

flye: n.. fly [O.E. fleoge].

folie: n., foolish, notion [O.F. folie].

folk: n., people [O.E. folc].

folwe: v., copy, imitate, follow, agree to, submit to [O.E. folgian].

fonde: v., try, attempt [O.E. fandian].

foot: n., step, foot [O.E. fot].

for: conj., for, because, since [O E. for].

for: prep., for, on account of [O.E. for].

forbede: v., forbid [O.E. forbēodan].

fordo: v., ruin, utterly destroy [O.E. fordōn].

forgoon: v., forgo, give up, surrender [O.E. forgān].

forlorn: adj., lost completely [O.E. forloren].

forth: adv., further, more, henceforth, straightway. onwards, out [O.E. forð].

forther: adv., older; more advanced [O.E. forðor]

forthright: adv., direct [O.E. forð + rihte].

forthward: adv. forwards, straight ahead [O.E: forð + weard].

foryelde: v repay, reward, requite [O E. forgieldan].

foryetful: adj., forgetful, unmindful [O.E. forgíetan + ful].

foryeve: v. forgive, pardon [O.E. forgiefan].

fostered: adj., brought up [O.E. fostred].

fostre: v.. foster, bring up, nourish, tend [O:E. fōstrian].

fote: n. foot, step [O.E. fōt].

foul: adj., evil, ugly, ill-looking [O.E. fūl].

fowel: n., bird, fowl [O.E. fugol].

free: adj., generous, liberal, lavish [O.E. frēo].

freend: n. friend, [O.E. frēond].

freendly: adj., friendly kindly[O.E. frēond + līc].

frely: adv., readily [O.E. frēo + līce].

fresshe: adj., tender, bright, boid sprightiy [O.E. fersc].

fro: prep. from [O.E. frō].

frost. n. frost [O.E. frost].

frosty: adj., frosty [O.H.G. frosti].

ful: adv., very, richly, lavishly, quite [O.E. ful].

fulfille: v. satisfy fulfil [O.E. fulfyllan].

fulle: n., full, fullest [O.E. full].

fulliche: adv., fully, to the utmost [O.E. full + liche].

fyr: n., fire [O.E. fŷr].

fyve: adj., five [O.E. fīf].



game: n., sport, play [O.E. gamen].

gan: v., p.t. ginne, did. Used to form a perfect tense [O.E. ongeman].

gere: n., utensils [O.E. gere].

gere: n., clothing, equipment, contrivance [O.E. gearwe].

gesse: v., suppose, imagine, try to get [O.E. gey].

geten: v. p.p. get, receive, obtain [O.E. gietan].

gilt: n., fault, responsibility, guilt [O.E. gylt]. giltless: adj., innocent, guiltless [O.E. gylt + lēas].

ginne: v., begin [O.E. ginnan].

girdel, n., belt, girdle [O.E. gyrdel].

glad: adj., cheerful [O.E. gdæd].

glade: v. gladden, make happy [O.E. gladian].

glade: v., cheer, comfort [O.E. gladian].

gladly: adv., readily [O.E. glæadlice].

gladly: adv., willingdy enthusiastically [O.E. glad + lice].

glyde: v., pass, flow [O.E. glīdan].

go(n): v. go, walk [O.E. gān].

god: n., God almighty [O.E. God].

goddesse: n., goddess [O.E. god + O.F. esse]. gon: v.. p.p. goon [O.E. gān].

gonne: v., pres. pl. of gon [O.E. gān].

good: adj., good [O.E. gōd].

goon: v., go, prosper, go on your way, [O.E. gān].

goost: n., ghost, spirit [O.E. gāst].

goth: v., pres. goon. also impera: goon.

graven: v., engrave; bury [O.E. grafan].

grave: v., bury [O.E. grafen].

greet: adj., great, important [O.E. great].

grene: adj. green, lusty, flourishing [O.E. grēne].

grene: n., grass [M.H.G. gruene].

grete: v., gret(e), greet [O.E. grētan].

grette: v., greet, [O.E.. grātan].

grette: v., p.t. of grete.

grim: adj., fierce [O.E. grimm].

grisly: adj., grim, terrible, cruel [O.E. grīslic]. grounde: n., ground. [O.E. grund].

growen: v., grow, be found [O.E. grōwan].



had: v., p.t. sing. have.

hadde: v., had [O.E. hæfde].

hadden: v., p.t. pl: have.

half: adv., half, more or less [O.E. healf].

halke: n., corner, nook, hiding place [O.E. healoc].

halle: n., banqueting hall, dining hall [O.E. halle, heall].

han: v., pres. pl. of have [O.E. habban].

hand: n., hand [O.E. hand].

hange: v., hang [O.E. hangen].

happe: v., happen, chance [Icel. happ].

harm: n., harm, injury, evil [O.E. hearm].

hastow: v., hast thou [O.E. hafast + ðu].

hate: v., hate, despise [O.E. hatian].

hatede: v., p.t. of hate.

haten: v., be called, named [O.E. hatte].

hath: v., pres. have.

hauke: v. go hawking [O.E. hafoc].

have: v. have, hold, receive, take, accept [O.E. habban].

heed: n., head [O.E. hēafod].

heeld: v., held; p.t. holden.

heeng: v., hung; p.t. hange.

heep: n., number [O.E. hēap].

heer: n., hair [O.E. hær].

heer: adv., here [O.E. hēr].

heer-biforn: adv., formerly [O.E. hēr + biforan].

heer-of: adv., hereof [O.E. hēr + of].

heere: adv., here, in this place [O.E. hēr].

heeste: n., command, behest [O.E. hæs].

heet: v:, p.p. haten.

heigh: adj., high, elaborate, mighty, great [O.E. hēah].

heigh: adj., noble, distinguished, exalted, great [O.E. heah].

helde: v., p.t. holde.

hele: n., prosperity [O.E. hælu].

helle: n., hell [O.E. hell].

helpen: v., help [O.E. helpan].

hem: pron , them [O.E. him].

hemself: pron., himself, themselves [O.E. him + self].

hemselven: pron., themselves [O.E. hemselven].

hente: v., get, borrow, obtain, seize, take snatch [O.E. hentan].

herberwe: n., "house" in the heavens [O.H.G. heriberga].

here: pron., her [O.E. hiere].

here: v., hear [O.E. hīeran].

herkne: v., listen to, harken [M.E. hērcnian].

herne: n., corner, nook [O.E. hyrne].

heron: n., heron [O.E. hairon].

herte: n., hart [O.E. heort].

herte: n., heart [O.E. heorte].

hertely: adv., sincere, true [O.E. heorte + lice].

herye: v., praise, bless [O.E. hergian].

heste: n., promise [O.E. hæs].

hethen: n., heathen [O.E. hæðen].

hevene: n., heaven [O.E. heofon].

hevinesse: n., grief, sorrow, trouble, sadness, distress [O.E: hefig + nesse].

hevy: adj. heavy, sorrowful [O.E. hefig],

hewe: n., hue, colour, tint, countenance [O.E. hīw].

highte: v., was called; promised. [see O.E. hoten].

hight(e) : v., p.t. hote.

hir, hire: adj. and pron., her, hers, herself, their [O.E. hiere, hiera].

hire: pron., her [O.E. hiere].

hirself, hirselven: pron. herself [O.E. hire + self].

his: pron. his, its [O.E. his].

holde: v., take, hold, keep, maintain, preserve, consider, carry out [O.E. healdan].

holden: v., hold [O.E. healden].

holpe: v., p.t. helpen.

holpen: v. p.p. helpan.

holwe: adj., hollow, thin, gaunt [O.E. holh].

hom: see hoom.

homlynesse: n. domestic duties [O.E. hām + lic + nesse].

hond: n., hand, possession [O.E. hond, hand].

hondred: adj., hundred [O.E. hundred].

hool: adj., whole, unscathed, entire [O.E. hāl].

hool: adv. wholly, entirely [O.E. hāl].

hooly: adj., hooly [O.E. hālig].

hoom: n., home [O.E. hām].

hope: n., hope [O.E. hopa].

horn: n. horn [O.E. horn].

hote: adj., hot, [O.E. hāt].

hote: v., promise be called [O.E. hāten].

hoten: v. to be called, to be named [O.E. hatan].

hound: n., dog [O.E. hund].

hous: n., house, mansion [O.E. hūs].

housbonde: n., husband [O.E. hūsbonda].

housholdere: n., head of a household [O.E. hūs + heald + ere].

how-ever: conj., however [O.E. hu + æfre]. hundred: n. hundred [O.E. hundred].

hy: adj., high, lofty, profound [O.E. heah].

hye: adj., tall, high, on high, mighty, almighty [O.E. hēah].

hyeste: adj., highest, most solemn [O.E. hīehsta].



-ing : v. + ing [O.E. yng].

inwith: adv., within, inside [O.E. in + wið].



J is a letter reserved for words originating in French



keep: n., heed notice [O.E. cēpan].

kemb: v., comb [O.E. cemban].

kene: adj., keen, sharp [O.E. cēne].

kepe: v., watch over, tend, keep, preserve, keep safe [O.E. cēpan].

kesse: v., kiss [O.E. cyssan].

kinde: n., nature, kind [O.E. cynd].

kinde: adj., natural, as usual, kindly [O.E. cynde].

kinrede: n., kindred, famiiy, lineage [O.E. cyn + raeden].

kirtel: v., tunic, kirtle [O.E. cyrtel].

knave-child: n., male child, boy [O.E. cnafa + O.E. cīld].

knee: n., knee [O.E. cneo].

knight: n., knight [O.E. cniht].

knit: v., united, knit, in agreement [O.E. cnyttan].

knowe: n., knee [O.E. cnēσ, cneσw].

knowe: v., know [O.E. cnāwan].

koude: v., p.t., knew how to, was able to, was instructed in, was expert in [O.E. cyðan].

kouth: v., p.p., known, reported, [O.E. cyðan].

kythe: v., show, display [O.E. cyðan].



ladde: p.t. led, conducted, preceded [O.E. lædan].

lady: n., lady, wife, mistress [O.E. hlāf-dige, bread-maid = hlāf, bread, loaf + dige, maidservant; dey, dairymaid].

lappe: n., wrapping, piece of cloth, blanket [O.E. læppe].

lasse: adj., less, [O.E. læssa].

last: v., extend, stretches [O.E. læstan].

laste: adj., last [O.E. laste].

lasten: v. last endure [O.E. læstan].

lat: v., allow, let, permit [O.E. lætan

lede: v., lead spend, guide, govern [O.E. lædan].

leene: adj., lean, thin [O.E. hlæne].

leeste: adj., least [O.E. læst].

leet: p.t. of lete, to allow [O.E. lætan].

leeve: v. trust, believe in [O.E. lyfan].

lenger: adj., comp., longer [O.E. lengra].

lerne: n., learn [O.E. leornian].

lernynge: n., learning, study [O.E. leornung].

lese: v., lose, forfeit [O.E. lēosan].

lesi: n. desire, strong wish [O.E. lest].

- less: prep. no [O.E. lēas].

lesse: adj., less, smaller [O.E. læssa].

leste: n., least [O.E. læst].

leste: v., subj. pres., it should please, [O.E. lystan].

let: v., impera., see lete, allow.

lete: v., allow, permit, let, leave, cause [O.E. lætan].

lete: v., hinder, delay, forsake [O.E. lettan].

lette: n., delay, tarrying [Icel. leti].

lette: v., delay, tarry, prevent, hinder [O.E. lettan].

leve: n., permission, leave [O.E. lēaf].

leve: n., leave, departure [O.E. leaf].

leve: n., leaf of a tree, [O.E. lēaf].

leve: adj., dear [O.E. lēof].

leve: v. give up, abandon [O.E. læfan].

lever: adv., rather, more willingly, sooner [O.E. lēofra].

levere: adj., more readily [comp. of leof].

levere: adj., comp., more pleasing, more welcome [O.E. lēofra, lēovere].

lewed: adj., foolish, stupid, wanton, heartless, unfeeling [O E. læwede].

leye: v. [O.E. lecgan].

- lice: adv. suffix, -ly.

lighte: v., alight, dismount [O.E. lthtan].

lighten: v. light up, make cheerful, rejoice, make shine [O E. lēohtan].

like; v. [personal], to please; [impersonal], it pleases [O.E. līcian].

liklihede: n., likelihood, probability [O.E. līc + lic + hād].

liklynesse: n., likelihood, probability [O.E. līc + lic + nesse].

lisse: n., relief, comfort [O.E. liss].

lisse: v., relieve, comfort [O.E. lissian].

list: v., it pleases [O.E. lystan].

liste: v., wish, desire [O.E. lystan].

lite; n., a little [O.E. lytel].

live, liven: v., live [O.E. libban, lifian].

lo: interj., lo, indeed, consider, look [O.E. la].

loke: v., look, consider, notice, heed [O.E. lōcian].

lokyng: n. expression [O.E. lociung].

lond: n., land [O.E. lond].

longe: adj., long [O.E. long].

longe: v., belong [O.E. langian].

loore: n. wisdom, knowledge [O.E. lār].

looth: adj., distasteful unwilling, reluctant, displeasing, hateful [O.E. lāš].

lord: n.; lord, master, president [O.E. hlāford, bread-ward = hlāf, bread, loaf + weard, ward, defender].

lordinges: n., my lords, gentlemen, sirs [O.E hlāfording].

lordship: n., exalted rank, high position, authority, lordship [O.E. hlāford + scipe].

lorn: v., p.p. of lese, lost, forlorn [O.E. loren].

lothest: adj., most unwilling, most loth [O.E. laðest].

love: n., lover, beloved, [O.E. lēof].

love: v., love [O.E. lufian].

lovere: n., lover [O.E. lufu + er].

lowe: adj., humble, low [O.N. lāgr].

lowly: adv. humbly [O.N. lāgr + O.E. lice].

lull; v., fondle, soothe [O.N. lulla].

lust; n., pleasure, delight, interests [O.E. lust].

lust; v., it pleases [O,.E. lystan].

lusty: adj., joyful, happy, rich, worthy, valiant [O.E. lust + ig].

lye: v., speak untruly, lie [O.E. lēogan].

lye: v., remain, stay, rest, lie [O.E. licgan]. lyf: n. life [O.E. līf].

lyk: adj., like, similar to [O E. gelīc].

lyke: v., impers. it pleases [O.E. lician].

lym: n, lime [O.E lim].

lynde: n. lime-tree, linden [O E. linde].

lyth: v. lies, rests, dapends, pres. lye [O.E licgan].

lyve: n.; life [O.E. līf].

lyves: n., lives [O.E. līf].

lyves: adv., alive, living [O.E. lifes].

lyveth: v., see live

lyvynge: n., livelihood, sustenance [O.E. livung].



maad: v., p.t. make.

mad: adj. mad [O.E. mād].

maden: v., p.t., make.

make: v., make, cause [O.E. macian].

make: n., mate, husband, wife [O.E. maca].

man: n., one, anyone, we, a man [O.E. mann].

mankinde: n., mankind, human race, [O.E. mancynn].

manye: adj., many [O.E. manig].

may: v., may, am able to, can [O.E. mæg].

mayde: n., maidservant, girl [O.E mægðe].

mayde n., maiden, maid,, (O.E: mægðe].

maydenhede: n., maidenhood, virginity [O.E. mægðenhād].

maystow: mayst thou [O.E mægst + þu].

mede: n. reward, recompense [O.E. mēd].

mede: n., meadow, field [O.E. mæd].

meeste: adj., greatest, most important [O.E. mæste].

meke: adj., humble, lowly [O.E. mēoc < O.N. miukr].

men: n., men, people, we [O.E. men].

men: n. pl., see man, [O.E. menn].

men: pron., we, some one [O.E. men].

menen v., mean, intend, purpose [O.E. mænan].

mente: v., p.t. of mene, to mean [O.E. menan].

merk: n., likeness, image [O.E. mearc].

merye: adj., pleasant, joyous, glad; also murye and myrye [O.E. myrig].

mete: n., food, meat, diet [O.E. mete].

mete: v., meet [O.E. metan].

mette: v., p.t. mete.

might: n., power, might [O.E. miht].

mighte: v., might, could [O.E: mihte].

minde: n., mind [O.E. mynd].

mo: adv., more, other, on other occasions [O.E. mā].

mone: n., moan, lament [O.E. mān].

mone: n., moon [O.E. mōna].

moorne: v., mourn, lament [O.E. murnan].

moost: adv., most of all [O.E. mæst].

mooste: adj. superl., greatest [O.E. mæst].

moot: v., must [O.E. mōt].

moote: v., must, may [O.E. mōt].

more; adj., more, greater [O.E. māra].

more: adv., more, [O.E. māra].

morne: n., morning [O.E. morgen].

morwe: n., morning, morrow [O.E. morgen].

morwe-tyde: n. morning time; (O.E. morgen + tīde].

more: adj., more [O E. māre].

moste: v., might [O.E. mōst].

moste: adv., most [O.E. mæst].

moste: v. must [O.E. moste].

mot: v., must, was compelled to, had to [O.E. mōt].

mowe: v., may [O.E. māgon].

muche: adv., much [O.E. mycel]

muchel: adv., much [O.E. mycel].

myn: adj., my [O.E. mīn].

my-selven: pron., myself [O.E. me + self].



naille: v., make fast, fasten down [O.E. næglian].

nama: n. reputation, good name, character [O.E. nama].

name: n., name word reputation good name, [O.E. nama].

namely: adv., especially, particularly [O.E. nama + līce].

namoore: adv., no more, any more [O.E. nā + māre].

nas: v., was not [O.E. ne + wæs].

nas: was not [O.E. ne + wæs].

nat: adv., not [O.E. nāwiht, nāht, nāt].

nathelees: adv., nevertheless, notwithstanding [O.E. nā + že + læs].

nay: n., denial [Icel., nei].

nay: interj., no [O.N. nai].

ne: adv. nor [O.E. ne].

nedelees: adv., unnecessarily, without cause [O.E. nead + læs].

nedes: adv., necessaridy, [O.E. nēdes].

nedeth: v., is necessary [O.E. nēdan].

neighebour: n., neighbour [O.E. neāhgebūr].

nempne: v., name, mention [O.E. nemnan].

nere: v., were not [O.E. ne + were].

never: adv., never [O.E. næfre].

never-mo: adv., never [O.E. nęfre + mā].

next: adv., on the next occasion [O.E. nest].

newe: adj., new [O.E. nēowe].

night: n., night [O.E. niht].

nis: v., is not [O.E. ne + is].

niste: v., knew not [O.E. ne + wiste].

no: adj., no, not any [O.E. nō].

noght: adv., in no way, by no means, not at all [O.E. nāwiht].

noght: pron., not at all, nothing [O.E. nāht].

nolde: v., would not [O.E. ne + wolde].

nones: n. occasion [O.E. ānes].

non, none, noon: pron., neither, no one, nobody, none [O.E. nān].

noon: adv., not at all [O.E. nān].

noon: pron., no one [O.E. nān].

noon: adj., no [O.E. nān].

nothing; n., nothing [O.E. nō + žing]. .

nothing: adv., in no way, not at all [O.E. nā + žing].

nowher: adv., nowhere, anywhere [O.E. nāhwęr].

ny: adv., nearly, nigh [O.E. neāh].

nyl: v., will not [O.E. ne + will].

nys: v., is not [O.E. ne + is].



o: adj. pron. of one, see on. [O.E. ān].

of: prep., of, from, by, in respect of [O.E. of].

ofnewe: adv., lately, recently [O.E. of + newe].

ofte: adv., often [O.E. oft].

ofter: adv., more often, again [O.E. oftor].

oftetyme, adv., often [O.E. oft + tīma].

oght: n., pron., anything [O.E. ōht].

oghte: v., ought, was due [O.E. āhte, ōhte].

old: adj., old, former [O.E. eald].

olde: adj., old, former, past, of old time [O.E. eald].

on: prep., on [O.E. on].

on, o, oon: adj., pron. one [O.E. ān].

ones: adv., once, together, at the same time [O.E. ānes].

on-lofte: adv., high, aloft [O.N. on-lopti].

on-lyve: adv., alive [O.E. on + līfe].

oon: adj., one [O.E. ān].

oon: adj. pron., see on.

only : adv. only [O.E. ān + līce].

oonly: adv., but, only [O.E. ān + līce]

ootherweys: adv., otherwise [O.E. ōšer + weis].

other: adj., other [O.E. ōšer].

oute: adv., away, abroad [O.E. ūt].

outher: conj., either [O.E. āwšer].

outrely: adv., utterly, entirely, to the full [O.E. utera + lice].

ontreye: v., to break all bounds, to behave outrageously, to be beside oneself [O.E. oltrier].

outward: adv., abroad, in foreign lands [O.E. ut + weard].

over: prep., over [O.E. ōfer].

overal: adv., at all times, on all occasions [O.E. ōfer + eall].

overest: adj., uppermost, topmost [O.E. ofer + mæst].

overspringe: v., rise above [O.E. ōfer + springan].

owene: adj., own [O.E. āgen].

owne: adj., own, very, genuine [O.E. āgen].



peny: n., penny [O.E. penig].

pley: n., play, jest, banter, game, sport, fun; rules of the game [O.E. plega].

pleye: v., play [O.E. plegian].

pleyen; v., play, amuse oneself, perform [O.E. plegian].

plighte: v., pledge [O.E. plihtan].

pridelees: adj. humble [O.E. pryta + læs].

prikke: n., torment, torture [O.E. prica].



quake: v., quake, tremble [O.E. cwākien].

quakyng: pres. part., trembling shaking [O.E. cwacian].

quene: n., queen [O.E. cwēn].

quik: adj., alive, living [O.E. cwic].

quiken: v. endow with life [O.E. cwician]. quikkest: adj., busiest [O.E. cwicest].

quit: adj., discharged from [O.E. quite].

quod: v., said, quoth [O.E. cwaþ, cweðan].



rather: adv., preferably, rather, sooner, more readidy [O.E. hraðer, hraþer].

reaven: v., rob, plunder deprive of [O.E. rēafian].

recchelees: adj., reckless, regardless, careless [O.E. rēcelēas].

redden: v., read, study [O.E. rædan].

rede: v. advise, counsel [O.E. rædan].

rede: adj., red [O.E. rēad].

reden: v., read, study [O.E. rædan].

redy: adj., ready, prepared [O.E. ræde].

reed: adj. red, confused [O.E. rēad].

reed: n., advice, counsel [O.E. ræd].

rekke: v. care, trouble, mind [O.E. reccan].

reste: n., peace, peace of mind, repose, tranquillity [O.E. ræst, rest].

reuthe: v., rule, conduct [O.E. regol].

reuthe: n., pity, compassion, piteous sight [O.E. hreouþe].

rewe: v., have pity [O.E. hrēowan].

reyn: n., rain [O.E. regn].

riche: adj., rich, powerful [O.E. rīce].

right: adj., direct [O.E. rihte].

right: n., justice, privilege [O..E. riht].

right: adv., exactly, even, exceedingly straight very just, quite [O.E. rihte].

righte: adj., true, direct, nearest [O.E. riht].

rigour: n., strictness, severity, determination [O.F. rigour].

roghte: p.t. of rekke, grieved [O.E. rohte].

rote: n., foot of a mountain [Icel. rot].

routhe: n., see reuthe.

rumbel: n., rumour [M.E. romble].

ryme: v., compose in rhyme, [O.E. rīman].

rype: adj., mature, well-considred [O.E. ripe].

ryve: v., cleave, stab [Icel. rīfa].



sad: adj:, firm, steadfast, serious, unmoved, respectful [O.E. sæd].

sadly: adv., firmly, steadfastly seriously [O.E. sæd + lice].

sadnesse: n., firmness, constancy, seriousness [O.E. sæd + nesse].

sad-stidefast: adj., unshaken; firm [O.E. sæd + stedefæst].

sake: n., sake, benefit advantage [O.E. sacu].

saugh: v., p.t: saw.

say: v., p.t., saw.

sayd: v., p.p. seyen.

sayn: v., say, record, repeat [O.E. secgan].

scathe: n., harm, pity misfortune [O.N. skads].

sclendre: see sklendre.

see: n., sea [O.E. sæ].

see: v., see; p.t., saugh, saw [O.E. sēon].

see(n): v., see [O.E. seon].

seeth: v., pres. seen.

seeth: v: boil [O.E. seoðan].

seide: v., p.t. seye(n).

seigh: v., p.t. seen.

seilien: v., sail [O.E. seglian].

seith: v., pres. seyen.

seke: v., seek [O.E. sēcan].

selde: adv., seldom [O.E. selde].

selde: adj., a few [O.E. selde].

selle: v., sell [O.E. sellan].

selve: adj., same [O.E. self].

sely: adj., innocent, guileless [O.E. sælig].

seme: v., seem, appear [O.E. sēman].

semen: v., seem, appear [O.E. sēman].

sende, senden: v. send [O.E. sendan].

seten: v., sit [O.E. settan].

sette: v., p.t. of sitte, cast [O.E. settan].

sette: v., devote, esteem, place [O.E. settan].

sevene: adj., seven [O.E. seofon].

seyde: v.; p.t. seyen.

seye(n): v., say, tell, declare [O.E. secgan].

seye, seyn: v. p.t. seye, say, tell, relate [O.E. secgan].

seyth: v., imp. of seyen

shake: v. shake [O E. scacan].

shal: v., shall, must ought to, will, is bound to [O.E. sceal].

shame: n., disgrace, shame, good name [O.E. scamu].

shame: v., bring shame upon [O.E. scamian].

shape: v. prepare, direct, put in order [O.E. scapan].

shapen: v., prepare, arrange [O.E. scieppan].

sharp: adv. sharp, pungent, peremptory [O.E. scearp].

sheene: adj., bright [O.E. scene].

shewe: v., display, explain [O.E. scēawian].

shilde: v., prevent, protect [O.E. scildan].

ship: n., ship [O.E. scip].

shire: n., shire, county [O.E: scīr].

shirreve: n., sheriff [O.E. scīr + gerēfa].

sholde: v., should, ought to, woutd [O.E. scolde].

sholde: v., p.t. shal; was ready to, should [O.E. sceolde].

shoon: v., p.t. shyne [O.E. scīnan].

shoop: v., p.t. of shape, contrived, prepared for [O.E. scōp].

shoop: v., p.t. shapen.

shopen: v., p.t. shapen.

shortly: adv., briefly, in a few words [O.E. sceort + lice].

shoure: n., shower [O.E. scur].

shove: v., move, push [O.E. scufan].

shredde: v., p.t. of shrede, slice, shred [O.E. scrēadian].

shrewe: n., a peevish woman [O.E. scrēawa].

shul: p.t. shal; shall, must [O.E. scule].

shul: v. shall, must [O.E. sceal].

shyne: v., shine [O.E. scīnan].

sighte: n., appearance, look [O.H.G. sīht].

siker: adj:, certain, sure [O.E. sicor].

sikerly: adv., surely, certainly [O.E. sicor + līce].

sikly; adv., with difficulty [O.E. sēoc + lice].

siknesse: n., sickness, illness [O.E. sēoc + nesse].

sin: conj., since [O.E. siþþan].

singen: v., sing [O.E. singan].

sinken: v., sink [O.E. sincan].

sit: v., pres. t. of sitte.

sith: conj., since [O.E. sið].

sithe: n.. time, occasion [O.E. siþ].

sitte: v., suit, befit [O.E. sittan].

sitte: v., sit [O.E. sittan].

sixte: adj., sixth [O.E. sixta].

skile: n , reason right [Icel. skil].

skippe: v., jump, leap [Icel. skipa].

sklendre: adj. feeble, weak, weak-willed [O.Du. slinder.

slake: v., cease, desist, slacken, abate [O.E. slacian].

slawen: v., p.p. of sleen.

slayn: v., p.p. of sleen.

slee(n), sleen: v:, slay, kill [O.E. slēan].

sleep: v., sleep [O.E. slæpan].

sleet: n., sleet [O.E. slēt].

sleeth: v., pres. sleen.

sleighte: n., trick, exercise of skill [Icel. slægð].

slepen: v., sleep [O.E. slēpan].

slitte: v., pierce, cut, split, slit [O.E. slīten].

slouthe: n., sdoth, slackness [O:E. slæwð]. slow: v., p.t. sleen.

slyde: v. pass by, slip away, depart [O.E. slīdan].

smal: adj., slender, thin, small [O.E. smæl].

smerte: n., anguish [M.L.G. smerte].

smerte: adj., severe, bitter, cruel [O.E. smeart].

smerte: v., suffer. [O.Du. smarten].

smerte: adv., sharply, sorely [O.E. smeorte].

smok: n., smock, shift, chemise [O.E. smoc].

smoklees: adj., without a smock [O.E. smoc + lēas].

snewen: v., snow [O.E. snīwan].

snibbe: v., reprove [O.N. snubba].

so: adv. word introducing a wish, prayer or oath; in the same way [O.E swa].

so: conj., so long as, if [O.E. swa].

softe: adj., soft, gentle [O.E. sēfte].

softely: adv. quietly, gently [O.E. softe + lice].

som: adj., some [O.E. sum].

somdeel: adv. somewhat, rather [O.E. sum + dæl].

somewhat: adv., somewhat, rather, to some extent [O.E. sum + hwæt].

somme: adj., some [O.E. sum].

somme: pron., some [O.E. sum].

somtyme: adv., some time or other, occasionally [O.E. sum + tīma].

somwhat: adv., to some extent, somewhat [O.E. sum + hwæt].

somwher: adv., somewhere [O.E. sum + hwære].

sondry: adj., various, different [O.E. syndrig].

sone: n., son, follower [O.E. sunu].

songe: n., song [O.E. song].

songe: v., p.t., singen, sang [O.E. singan].

sonken: v., p.p. sinken.

sonne: n., sun [O.E. sunne].

soor: adj., sore, sad, aching [O.E. sār].

soory: adj., sorry [O.E. sārig].

soothfastnesse: n., truth [O.E soðfæstnes].

soothly: adv., truly, definitely [O.E. soð + lice].

sop: n:; bread soaked in wine [O.E. sopa].

sore: adv., sadly, in sorrow, bitterly [O.E]. sār].

sorwe: n., sorrow, grief, distress [O.E. sorg]. sorweful: adj. sorrowful [O.E. sorhful + līche].

sorwefully: adv., sorrowfully [O.E. sorhful + līche].

soth: n., truth [O.E. soð].

sothe: n., truth [O.E. soð].

souke: v., suckle, [O.E. sūcan].

soule: n., soul [O.E. sāwol].

spak: v. p.t. speken.

speche: n., speech, way of speaking, conversation [O.E. spæc].

spedde: v., p.t. speden.

speden: v., hasten, hurry, [O.E. spēdan].

speke: v., speak, tell [O.E. specan].

spille: v., destroy, kill [O.E. spillan].

spring: adj., spring [O.E. springe].

springe: v., spring up [O.E. springen].

spryngynge: n., origin [O.E. spryngyng].

stalke: v. stride, step stealthily [O.E. stælcan].

standan: v., stand, be placed [O.E. standan].

stant: v., pres. standan.

stedfast: adj., firm, true [O.E. styde + fæst].

stedfastly: adv., firmly indeed, truly [O.E. stede + fæst + lice].

stente: v., cease, stop, desist, leave off [O.E. styntan].

sterne: adj., stern, severe [O.E. stēorne].

sterre: n., star [O.E. steorre].

stike: v. stab, pierce [O.E. stician].

stille: adj., quiet, silent, still, without moving [O.E. stille].

stille: adv., quietly, silently [O.E. still].

stinten: v., cease [O.E. styntan].

stirten: v., start up, spring up, rush, leap [O.E. stertan].

stonde: v., stand, be [O E. standan].

stoon: n., stone [O.E. stān].

stormy: adj., unsettled, unsteady [O E. storm + ig].

stounde: n., moment, instant, a space of time [O.E. stund].

straw: n. straw, rubbish [O.E. strēaw].

streen: n., strain, stock [O.E. strynd].

streepe: v., strip, disrobe [O.E. strypan].

streme: n., beam of light, ray [O.E. strēam].

strete: n.. street [O:E. stræt].

strong: adj., strong [O.E. strong].

suster: n., sister [O.E. sweostor].

swappe: v., strike, to be struck [O.N. sviepa].

swelwe: v. swallow, gobble [O.E. swelgan].

swerd: n., sword [O.E. sweord].

swere: v. swear [O.E. swerian].

swete: adj., dear one, love [O.E. swēte].

swich: adj., such, so great, such-and-such [O.E. swylc].

swollen: adj., proud exalted [O.E. swellan].

swoor: v., p.t. swere.

sworn: v., p.p. swere.

swough: n., swoon, fainting fit [O.E. swōgh].

swownynge: n., swooning fainting [O.E. swōgan].

swowne: n., swoon, faint [O.E. swōgan].

swyn: n., swine, boar [O.E. swīn].

syde: n., side [O.E. sīde].

syke: v., sigh [O E. sīcan].

syke: adj., sick [O.E. sēoc].

syke: n., sigh [O.E. sīce].

syn: conj., since, [O.E. siþþen].



tak: v., take [O.N. taka].

take: v., p.p. taka.

tale: n., tale, story [O.E. talu].

talken: v., talk, chatter [O.E. talian].

tarie: v., delay keep back, detain [O.E. tergan].

tellen: v. tell relate, disclose [O.E. tellan].

tere: n., tear [O.E. tēar].

than: adv. then, than [O.E. þonne].

thanke: v., thank [O.E. þancian].

that: pron., that, who [O.E. þæt].

thee: pron. thou, thee, thyself [O.E. ðe].

thee: v. thrive, succeed [O.E. þēon].

then: adv. then, at that time [O.E. þonne].

thenk: v., think, consider [O.E. þencan].

thennes: adv. thence [O.E. þannes].

ther: adv., where, there [O.E. þær, ðær].

theras: conj., whereas, where, whither [O.E. þær + as].

therby: adv. near to it [O.E. þærbi].

ther-inne: adv., therein [O.E. þær + inne].

therof: adv. on this account [O.E. þær + of].

therto: adv. moreover [O.E. þær + to].

therwith: adv. besides, moreover, in addition [O.E. þær + wiþ].

thewes: n., qualities, moral or mental [O.E. þeaw].

they: pron. ,they, [O.E. þa].

thider: adv., thither, to that place [O.E. þider].

thilke: adj. the same, that same [O.E. þylce].

thing: n., thing, possession, anything [O.E. þing].

thinke: n., think of, imagine [O.E. þincan].

thinke: v., ponder, meditate [O.E. þyncan].

thinketh: v. it seems [O.E. þynceth].

thise: adj. the, these [O.E. þes].

tho: adv., then [O.E. þan].

thogh: conj., although [O.E. þoh].

thoght: n.; anxiety thought [O.E. þoht].

thonke: v., thank [O.E. þancian].

thou: pron., thou [O.E. ðu].

though: prep. although [O.E. þough].

though: conj., though [O.E. þeah].

thoughte: v. p.t. of thinken, it seemed [O.E. þuhte, þincan].

thoughtful: adj., pensive [O.E. þeaht + ful].

thral: n. servant, slave [O.E. þræl].

thressfold: n., threshold [O.E. þerse-wald].

thretty: adj., thirty [O.E: þrītig].

thridde: adj., third [O.E. þridda].

thriftily: adv.. politely, encouragingly [O.N. þrifti + līce].

throope: n., village, hamlet, [O.E. þrop].

throwe: n., while, short time [O.E. þrag].

throwe: v., throw, cast [O.E. þrawan].

thurgh: prep., by means of, through [O.E. þurh].

thus: adv., for this, thus, in this way [O.E. þus].

thyn: pron., thine, in thy charge [O.E. þin].

thyng: n., thing, property, plan, instruction [O.E. þing].

til: conj., until [O.N. til].

til: prep., to, towards [O.N. til].

to: adv., too [O.E. tō].

toke: v., p.t. tak.

told: v., p.t. tellen.

to-morwe: adv to-morrow [O.E. to-morgen].

tonge: n., tongue, language [O.E. tunge].

tonne: n., wine-cask, ale-cask [O.E. tunne].

took: v., p.t. tak.

toun: n., town, city [O.E. tūn].

toward: prep., in readiness for [O.E. tōweard].

tree: n., tree, wood [O.E. trēo].

trewe: adj. true, faithful [O.E. trēowe].

trewely: adv., truly, indeed, faithfully [O.E. trēowe + līce].

treweste: adj.; truest, most faithful [O.E. trēowest].

trouthe: n., truth, troth, promise, honour, faithfulness, obedience [O.E. trēowže].

turn: v., turn away, depart [O.E. turnan].

tusked: adj., having tusks [O.E. tusced].

tweye: adj., two [O.E. twegen].

tweyne: adj., two, twain [O.E. twegen].

two: adj., two [O.E. twā].

tyme: n., time, opportunity occasion, circumstances [O.E. tīma].



ugly: adj., fearsome, terrifying, grim [Icel. uggligr].

unburied: adj., unburied [O.E. un + buried].

under: prep., under, beneath, within [O.E. under].

undern: n., mid-morning, mid-afternoon [O.E. undern].

undertake: v., declare, be certain, take in hand, confirm, guarantee, affirm, am sure [O.E. under + tacan].

unnethe[s]: adv., with difficulty, scarcely [O.E. uneāžes, unēše].

unreste: n., distress, unrest [O.E. un + reste].

unsad: adj., not steady, unsettled, wavering, inconstant [O.E. un + sæd].

un-to: prep., towards, to [O.L.G: unto].

untrewe: adj., untrue, false, faithless, unfaithful [O.E. untreōw].

unwar: adj. unwary [O.E. un + wær].

unwiting: adj., ignorant [O.E. un + witing].

up: prep., upon [O.E. up].

up-on: prep. upon on the occasion of, about [O.N. uppa].

upsprange: v., p.t., sprang up, arose [O.E. up + springan].

utterly: adv., entirely, completedy, supremely [O.E. utera + lice].



vane: n., weather vane [O.E. fana].



waille: v., weep, lament, wail [Icel. voela].

waillen: v., wail, lament [O.N. væla].

wake: v., lie awake [O.E. wacian].

walk: v., walk [O.N. valkaJ.

wan: v., p.t. winne.

wane: v., decreasc, wane [O,E. wanian].

war: adj., careful, wary [O.E. wær].

water: n., water, lake [O.E. wæter].

wax: v. p.t. of wexen.

waxen: v., grow, become [O.E. weaxan]. way: n., way, manner [O.E. weg].

wayle: v., wail, weep, lament [O.N. veila].

weede: n., clothes, garments, clothing [O.E. wæde].

weep: v., p.t. wepe.

weepe: v, weep [O.E. wēpan].

wel: adj. happy [O.E. wel].

wel: adv., well, very, truly, assuredly, quite, even [O.E. wel].

wele: n., welfare, happiness, joy [O.E. wela].

welfare: n., well-being, condition [M.L.G. wolvare].

welkne: n., sky, heavens [O.E. wolcen].

welle: n. fountain, well, spring [O.E. welle].

wende: v., go, be about to [O.E. wendan].

wende: v., p.t. wenden.

wende: v. p.t. of wene, suppose.

wenden: v., go, proceed [O.E. wendan].

wene: v., think, suppose [O.E. wēnan].

went: v., p.p. wenden.

wente: v., p.t. wenden.

wepe: v., weep [O.E. wēpan].

werche: v., work, undertake [O.E. wyrcan]. were: v., p.t. subj. was.

werk: n., work, deeds [O.E. weorc].

werk: v., act, work [O.E. wyrcan].

werk: n., work, deed, trouble [O.E. weorc].

werkyng: n., actions, practice, deeds [O.E. wyrcung].

wex: v., p.t. waxen, become, grow.

wexen: v., grow, incwease, become [O.E. weaxan].

wey: n., way, journey [O.E. weg].

whan: conj., when [O.E. hwanne].

whanne: conj., when [O.E. hwanne].

what: adj., whatever [O.E. hwæt].

what: adv. why, partly [O.E. hwæt].

what: interj., what! now then! [O.E. hwæt].

whenne: adv:, whence [O.E. hwanon].

wher: conj., whether [O.E. hwær].

wheras: adv., where, whence [O.E. hwær + as].

wherfore: adv., for which reason [O.E. hwær + for].

wher-so: conj., whether [O.E: hwęr + swā].

whether: conj., whether [O.E, hwæðer].

which: pron., who, which, whom [O.E: hwilc].

which: adj. which, and these [O E. hwilc].

whiderward: adv., whither, to what place [O.E. hwider + weard].

whilom: adv., once upon a time, formerly [O.E. hwīlom].

whit: adj., white [O.E. hwīt].

why adv., why, for what reason [O.E. hwī]. whyl: conj., while [O.E. hwīles].

wight: n., person [O.E. wiht].

wighte: n. weight [O.E. wīht] .

wikke: adj., wicked, unfeeling [O.E. wiccian].

wikked: adj., wicked [O.E. wikke].

wil: n., will, intention, wish, desire [O.E. willa].

wille: n., strength of will, desire [O.E. willa].

wille: v., desire, will [O.E. willan].

willen: v., will, wish, intend [O.E. willan].

willynge: n., wish will [O.E. wilnung].

wind: n., wind [O.E. wind].

winne: v., win [O.E. winnan].

wirkyng: n., calculation, working, [M.H.G. wirkunge].

wis: adv., certainly [O.E. wis].

wisely: adv., wisely, by wisdom [O.E. wis + lice].

wisly: adv., wisely, in one’s wisdom [O.E. wis + līce].

wiste: v. p.t. of witen, woot.

wit: n.s., understanding, wisdom, intelligence, senses [O.E. wit, witt].

witen: v.; know, understand [O.E. witan].

with: prep., with, by means [O.E. wiþ].

with-al: adv. likewise, moreover [O.E wiþ + al].

without: adv., outside [O.E. wið-utan].

withoute: prep., without [O.E. wiðūtan].

withoute: adv., outwardly [O.E. wiðutan].

withouten: prep., without [O.E. wiþūtan].

witnesse: n., witness [O.E. witness].

wittes:, wits, intelligence [O.E. wittes].

wityng: n., knowledge [O.E. witung].

wo: n., woe, sorrow, grief, distress [O.E. wā].

wo: adj., sorrowful, in trouble, unhappy [O.E. wā].

woful: adj., woeful, sorrowful, wretched [O.E. wōful].

wol: v., will [O.E. wol].

wol: v., intend, wish, will, desire [O.E. willen].

wolde: v., p.t. willen, would.

wolde: v., p.t. of wol, to wish, desire.

wolden: v. p.t. (plural) willen.

wole: v., pres.t., wish desire [O.E. wile].

wombe: n., belly womb body [O.E. wamb].

wommanhede: n., womanliness, purity [O.E. wīt + mann + hād].

wonder: adj., wondrous, wonderful, strange [O.E. wundor].

wondre: v., wonder [O.E. wundrian].

wondren: v., wonder [O.E. wundrian].

wone: n., habit, custom[O.E. wuna].

woned: v., accustomed [O.E. wunian].

wonne: v., p.p. winnen.

woot: v., pres.t., know [O.E. wāt].

woot: v., know, p.t. witen [O.E. witan].

word: n., word [O.E. word].

world: n., world [O.E. weorold].

worm: n., worm, snake [O.E. wyrm].

worship: n., renown, fame standing [O.E. weorð + scipe].

worshipe: v. honour, worship [O.E. weorðscipian].

worshipful: adj., respected, worthy of honour [O.E. weorðscipe + ful].

wortes: n., roots, vegetables [O.E. wyrt].

worth: n. worth, value [O.E. wyrp].

worthiest: adj., noblest, most worthy [O.E wurðigesta].

worthinesse: n., true worth, honour [O.E. weorði + nesse].

worthy: adj., worthy noble, excellent, distinguished, notable [O.E woðig, weorðig].

worthynesse: n. worth, lordship [O.E. worðignesse].

wost: v., knowest [O.E. wast].

wostow: v., do you know? [Contracted form of wost + þū].

wounde: n., wound [O.E. wund].

woxen: p.p. of wexen.

wrecche: adj., wretched, miserable [O.E. wræcc].

wrecched: adj., mean, unworthy [O.E. wræc].

wrecchednesse: n., mean action, wickedness [O.E. wrechednesse].

wreke: v., avenge [O.E. wrecan].

wreye: v., reveal, betray [O.E. wrēgan].

wroghte: p.t. of O.E. weorcan.

wroghte: v., p.t. werche, work, perform.

wrye: v., cover, hide [O.E. wrian].

wrynge: v.; wring the hands [O.E. wringan].

wyde: adj., wide [O.E. wīd].

wyf: n., wife, woman [O.E. wyf, wīf].

wyfhod: n., womanhood, wifeliness, faithfulness, loyalty to husband [O.E. wīf + had].

wyfly: adj., befitting a wife, wifely [O.E. wīf + līc].

wyke: n., week [O.E. wice].

wyl: n., wish, willingness [O.E. willa].

wyn: n., wine [O.E. wīn].

wynde: v., wind, wrap, swathe [O.E. windan].

wyrche: v., work (O.E. wyrcan].

wys.: adj., wise [O.E. wys].

wys: adv.; certainly [O.E. wiss]:

wyse: n., way, manner, fashion [O.E. wīse].

wyse: adj. reasonable, wise [O.E. wīs].

wysly: adv., certainly, surely [O.E. wīslic].

wyve: v.. marry [O.E. wīfian].

wyve: n., wife [O.E. wīf].



y-: prefix indicating a past participle, e.g. y-ronne.

y: pron. [O.E. ic].

yaf: v., p.t. of yeve, to give.

yaf: v., see yeve, gave [O.E. geaf].

yate: n., gate [O.E. geat].

y-cleped: v., named [O.E. y-cleped].

ydel: n., uselessness, purposelessness [O.E. īdel].

ye: adv., certainly indeed yes [O.E. gēa].

ye: pron., ye, you [O.E. gē].

yë: n., eye [O.E. ēage].

yeer: n., year, years [O.E. gēar].

yelde: v., yield, surrender [O.E. gildan].

yerd: n., garden [O.E. geard].

yerde: n., yardstick authority, rod [O.E. gyrd].

yere: n:, year [O:E. gēar].

yet: adv., still, again, nevertheless [O.E. gīet].

yeve: v., give [O.E. giefan].

y-feere: adv., together [O.E. gefera].

y-fostred: adj., benefited [O.E. fostrian].

y-founde: v. p.p. faund.

y-fynde: v., fnd, discover, come across [O.E. findan].

y-go: v., p.p. of gan, go [O.E. gan].

yit: interj., yes, indeed [O.E. gīse].

yit: adv., yet [O.E. gīet).

yive: v., p.p. yeve.

y-knowe: v., p p. knowe.

y-laft: v., p.p. leve.

y-like: adv., unchangingly [O.E. gelice].

ynogh: adv., enough, indeed [O.E. genog].

y-nogh: adj., enough. [O.E. genog].

y-now: adv., enough [O.E.genōh].

yond: adv., yonder, over there [O.E. geondan].

yong: adj., young [O.E. geong].

yore: adv., formerly, of long ago, once, for some time [O.E. gēare].

youthe: n., youth [O.E. geoguþ].

yow: pron., you [O.E. ēow].

y-payed: v., p.p. paye.

y-quit: v., acquitted [O.E. qvit].

y-sene: v., p.p. seen.

y-slayn: v., p.p. sleen.

y-stiked: v., p.p. stike.

y-sworn: v., p.p. swerian.

yvele: adv., unsuitably, wrongly, awry [O.E. yfele].

y-voyded: v., p:p. voyde.

y-wis: adv., indeed, certainly [O.E. gewiss].


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